TM900v2 Tumor Volume Measurement
The TM900v2 tumor volume measurement system is developed for tumor volume monitoring in mice, during studies, in pre-clinical oncology research. It is an advanced, 3D measurement method, replacing the traditional tumor volume formulas and caliper measurements. The Budetec TM900v2 is an updated version of the Peira TM900. More information can be found on
Download information brochure: TM900V2 brochure
The Budetec TM900v2 tumor volume measurement system is fundamentally different from caliper measurements. After the tumor scanner captures a 3D image of the tumor area, tumor volume calculation is done by the software. It is based upon the tumor area or region of interest, automatically detected and set by the algorithm and 3D volumetric calculations. No assumed tumor model and constant shape are set by using the commonly used tumor volume formula.
During studies, together with tumor size and volumetric data, the software also stores tumor images and 3D shape. Resulting in more available in formation during- and more traceability after the studies. The instrument is hand-held and lightweight. Animal manipulations are similar then than when using calipers, with faster measurement times. A more detailed comparison with caliper measurements can be found on:
3D Tumor Scanner vs. Calipers – Tumor Volume Measurement tm900 and caliper measurement